Three Simple Last-Minute Easter Strategies for Better Guest Retention

Three Simple Last-Minute Easter Strategies for Better Guest Retention

Three Simple Last-Minute Easter Strategies for Better Guest RetentionKay Kotan
Published on: 19/03/2024

The choir has been rehearsing for weeks to bring a beautiful Eastern morning anthem. The pastor has been praying, discerning, and pouring over the sermon and during Holy Week will

Church Calendar - Holidays
Connecting: The Missing Link

Connecting: The Missing Link

Connecting: The Missing LinkKay Kotan
Published on: 21/06/2022

Over the past couple of decades, many churches have intentionally worked on ramping up their hospitality. They have formed hospitality teams. They have attended workshops, read books, and continuously tried

Church LeadershipMinistry
Serving Relationally

Serving Relationally

Serving RelationallyKay Kotan
Published on: 13/06/2022

“When we leave relationships out of missions, we are leaving out the best potential for true IMPACT. IMPACTFUL missions are grounded in authentic relationships. They are no longer about the

Church LeadershipMinistryDiscipleshipLaity