Why Your Church Should Really Not Host Vacation Bible School This Summer

Why Your Church Should Really Not Host Vacation Bible School This Summer

Why Your Church Should Really Not Host Vacation Bible School This SummerKay Kotan
Published on: 18/06/2024

There are definitely reasons to host a Vacation Bible School program (VBS) in your church! Yet, there are also definitely reasons not to host (VBS) in your church. Too often churches do things with the best of intentions, but for the wrong reasons. Let’s explore some of the reasons why a church should NOT host VBS.

Ten Important Reminders as We Head into General Conference

Ten Important Reminders as We Head into General Conference

Ten Important Reminders as We Head into General ConferenceKay Kotan
Published on: 23/04/2024

Some have very high hopes and expectations for the outcomes of the long-awaited General Conference, while others are less optimistic that the complex process involved in legislation will actually bring about any real change. As we watch the process unfold, here are some important reminders to consider.

Church Leadership
Mind-Blowing Boomer Generation Stats You Simply Must Not Ignore

Mind-Blowing Boomer Generation Stats You Simply Must Not Ignore

Mind-Blowing Boomer Generation Stats You Simply Must Not IgnoreKay Kotan
Published on: 09/04/2024

If the average attender in a local main line church were asked which generation is most involved in discipleship communities, what do you think their answer would be?

Serving Relationally

Serving Relationally

Serving RelationallyKay Kotan
Published on: 13/06/2022

“When we leave relationships out of missions, we are leaving out the best potential for true IMPACT. IMPACTFUL missions are grounded in authentic relationships. They are no longer about the

Church LeadershipMinistryDiscipleshipLaity