Three Tips for Reaching Out to Neighbors with a Fresh Perspective

Three Tips for Reaching Out to Neighbors with a Fresh Perspective

Three Tips for Reaching Out to Neighbors with a Fresh PerspectiveBy: Kay Kotan
Published on: 12/09/2023

In last week’s blog, we outlined how to see our neighbors with fresh eyes. In continuing our theme of neighboring, this week we will be exploring how to reach out

Youth Families
10 Easy Tips for Building Genuine Connections with Your Neighbors

10 Easy Tips for Building Genuine Connections with Your Neighbors

10 Easy Tips for Building Genuine Connections with Your NeighborsBy: Kay Kotan
Published on: 22/05/2023

What church doesn’t want to form new relationships with their neighbors, right? Desire is not the issue! More often than not, the dilemma is more about how to connect with

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