Venture Out into Your Church’s Neighborhood With Courage to Sincerely Know Your Neighbors

Venture Out into Your Church’s Neighborhood With Courage to Sincerely Know Your Neighbors

Venture Out into Your Church’s Neighborhood With Courage to Sincerely Know Your NeighborsKay Kotan
Published on: 16/05/2023

When is the last time your church set out on an adventure? Has your church recently tested its endurance and strength by learning new skills and stretching their current familiar

Small ChurchChurch LeadershipLaity
Easy on the Church Talk

Easy on the Church Talk

Easy on the Church TalkKay Kotan
Published on: 22/11/2021

While working with a wonderful church team recently, I asked the team what they might offer as a handoff (next small step after an initial introduction to the church through

Small ChurchChurch LeadershipMinistryAdministration
Is Your Church Providing Warm & Friendly Encounters?

Is Your Church Providing Warm & Friendly Encounters?

Is Your Church Providing Warm & Friendly Encounters?Kay Kotan
Published on: 04/11/2021

Every church has a desire to reach new people. Every church wants to be friendly. Most churches believe they are friendly. Many churches are friendly, but a great deal of

Small ChurchChurch Leadership