Six Easy Ideas to Simply Reconnect with People Relationally this Fall

Six Easy Ideas to Simply Reconnect with People Relationally this Fall

Six Easy Ideas to Simply Reconnect with People Relationally this FallBy: Kay Kotan
Published on: 20/08/2024

As the cooler days set in, summer vacations come to an end, and people reset their schedules for a new fall routine, what has your church planned to take advantage of this moment?

The One Unique Advantage Small Churches Have on Large Churches

The One Unique Advantage Small Churches Have on Large Churches

The One Unique Advantage Small Churches Have on Large ChurchesBy: Kay Kotan
Published on: 23/07/2024

What if small church leaders began to explore and celebrate the unique advantages and gifts small churches can offer that larger churches simply can’t? What a paradigm shift and gift that could be for leaders and small church congregations!

Small ChurchMinistryDiscipleship
It’s High Time to Commit to New Relationships Instead of Survival

It’s High Time to Commit to New Relationships Instead of Survival

It’s High Time to Commit to New Relationships Instead of SurvivalBy: Kay Kotan
Published on: 16/07/2024

What if the church began to think of themselves more as a relationship depot for the community? The church could become a place for people to find community – meaningful relationships and connections.

Ten Ways Your Church Can Partner With Your Community that Cost $0

Ten Ways Your Church Can Partner With Your Community that Cost $0

Ten Ways Your Church Can Partner With Your Community that Cost $0By: Kay Kotan
Published on: 09/07/2024

With a mindset of abundance, we offer a list of ways to partner with your community that will cost $0.
