Bible Study

Worship and Bible Study Do Not Always Make the Best First Steps

February 25, 20253 min read

As explored in last week’s blog, it is vitally important to invest in new relationships.  In fact, statistics indicate that a person is likely to accept an invitation to attend worship - especially from someone they know and trust. Therefore, it is vitally important to think about relationships first - not worship or even ministries such as Bible study.  

As we explored in an earlier blog, expecting seekers to show up on Sunday with no relational connection is how we sabotage our ministry with attractional expectations. 

Here are a few reasons why worship and Bible study may not make the best first steps for new people:

  • Worship & Bible study are too intimidating or too deep for some. One may not understand the insider language or the expectations of already having knowledge of the church, polity, and doctrine.

  • Some are intimidated or even fearful of the idea of walking into an unknown facility and not having an idea of what will happen.

  • There are a growing number of de-churched people (or those that have been hurt by Christians) who carry church-hurt baggage. Walking into an unknown situation may trigger undesired memories.

  • Existing church ministries are often geared to insider people and not seekers. Therefore, seekers find the church and the experience irrelevant and disconnected from their own life..

  • Seekers are consciously or unconsciously seeking community and connection. The congregation can often be tied up in their existing relationships and focused on receiving their own “fill for the week” leaving seekers feeling disconnected and unable to see how one might “do life” with the people in the congregation.

Here are a few ideas to consider as alternative first steps for new people:

  • Provide a quick, easy service opportunity in the community where impact can be quickly seen and where conversations to build relationships can occur naturally and freely. For example, a few hours at a Habitat for Humanity house can provide visible accomplishments for the time invested. The story of the new homeowners can be shared to provide a connection to the work’s impact.

  • Work alongside other organizations in the community. This provides opportunity for collaboration, new relationships, cross-connections, and greater community good.

  • Offer an event in the community out of the building and off church grounds to intentionally build relationships with your neighbors. Here is a bridge event handout on how to plan, implement, and follow up with your neighbors who attend.

  • Consider smaller bridge events and service projects that concentrate on building relationships rather than hosting an event. Build the event on creating the time and space for neighborly conversations and getting to know one another. While you may have fewer attendees, there is greater opportunity to build new relationships.

  • If an existing congregant is participating in a church or community event (i.e. golf tournament, chili supper, mission trip, etc.), make their participation dependent on inviting an unchurched friend to participate with them.

Because worship, Bible study, or other ministries are meaningful to the churched people, it does not necessarily mean it would be meaningful or provide the best first step for new people. Provide opportunities that concentrate on building authentic relationships and easing people into spiritual conversations over time. Building relationships takes time, so it will likely require multiple contacts with a person before it feels like the right time to have spiritual conversations let alone offering a church invitation. But it is through investing in these intentional new relationships, we are indeed connecting with people, demonstrating the love of Jesus, raising our awareness and understanding of the culture, and investing in the livelihood of our neighbors. 

How might your church re-think the best first steps for your neighbors beyond worship and Bible study? What’s your first step?

Kay’s purpose is to Equip and Empower Leaders of Faith Communities How to Engage in More Effective Ministry.
Kay Kotan is the founder of You Unlimited (coaching, consulting and training company) and The Greatest Expedition – a collaboration of more than twenty thought leaders providing resources and insights for a congregational journey to develop new MAPS (ministry action plans) to reach new people in your community.  Kay also launched Multipliers’ Movement – a gathering of kingdom multipliers for sharing, equipping, and encouraging.
She is a CoachU and Advanced CoachU Graduate, an accredited coach (PCC: Professional Certified Coach) with the ICF, International Coaching Federation, a Certified Path 1 Coach, a TQ (Transitional Intelligence) Certified Coach, and once served on the faculty at Coaching4Clergy.  As a passionate lay person, she has a banking background and has been a business owner for more than 25 years.  Kotan has served as a church developer for conferences and worked with churches, pastors, conferences, and judicatory leaders across the country for more than a decade.  She is most proud to be the wife of Bob for over 30 years and the mother of their adult son, Cameron.
Kay is the author of multiple books, workbooks, and resources including Gear Up:  Nine Essential Processes for the Optimized Church, Cry From the Pew, Full Schedules, Barren Souls, Being the Church in the Post Pandemic World, and Journey Preparation: Surveying Your Church’s Landscape,  as well as the co-author of the books titled:  IMPACT!:  Reclaiming the Call of Lay Ministry, Small Church Check-Up, Insights on Productivity, Renovate or Die – Ten Ways to Focus Your Church on Mission, Ministry 3.0 and Get Their Name , Ten Prescriptions for a Healthy Church, Necessary Nine – Nine Things Effective Pastors Do Differently, Launching Leaders:  Taking Leadership Development to New Heights, Strategy Matters:  Your Roadmap to Planning a Strategic Ministry Planning Retreat, Voices of Christmas: A Daily Devotional for Advent and Expanding the Expedition Reach Through Marketplace Multipliers. Mission Possible for the Small Church. Inside Out: Everting Ministry Models for the Postmodern Church, and more. Kotan and her co-author Bradford published their third version of the best-seller, Mission Possible:  Simple Structure for Missional Effectiveness.  

Mrs. Kotan spends her time investing in pastors, laity leaders, congregations, and judicatory leaders through equipping, coaching, and creating resources to help them discover and live into their fullest missional potential of effectiveness and fruitfulness to reach people for Jesus Christ.  Through her enthusiasm, truth-telling, and passion, she challenges those who encounter her in both their thinking and their doing.

Kay Kotan

Kay’s purpose is to Equip and Empower Leaders of Faith Communities How to Engage in More Effective Ministry. Kay Kotan is the founder of You Unlimited (coaching, consulting and training company) and The Greatest Expedition – a collaboration of more than twenty thought leaders providing resources and insights for a congregational journey to develop new MAPS (ministry action plans) to reach new people in your community.  Kay also launched Multipliers’ Movement – a gathering of kingdom multipliers for sharing, equipping, and encouraging. She is a CoachU and Advanced CoachU Graduate, an accredited coach (PCC: Professional Certified Coach) with the ICF, International Coaching Federation, a Certified Path 1 Coach, a TQ (Transitional Intelligence) Certified Coach, and once served on the faculty at Coaching4Clergy. As a passionate lay person, she has a banking background and has been a business owner for more than 25 years. Kotan has served as a church developer for conferences and worked with churches, pastors, conferences, and judicatory leaders across the country for more than a decade. She is most proud to be the wife of Bob for over 30 years and the mother of their adult son, Cameron. Kay is the author of multiple books, workbooks, and resources including Gear Up: Nine Essential Processes for the Optimized Church, Cry From the Pew, Full Schedules, Barren Souls, Being the Church in the Post Pandemic World, and Journey Preparation: Surveying Your Church’s Landscape, as well as the co-author of the books titled: IMPACT!: Reclaiming the Call of Lay Ministry, Small Church Check-Up, Insights on Productivity, Renovate or Die – Ten Ways to Focus Your Church on Mission, Ministry 3.0 and Get Their Name , Ten Prescriptions for a Healthy Church, Necessary Nine – Nine Things Effective Pastors Do Differently, Launching Leaders: Taking Leadership Development to New Heights, Strategy Matters: Your Roadmap to Planning a Strategic Ministry Planning Retreat, Voices of Christmas: A Daily Devotional for Advent and Expanding the Expedition Reach Through Marketplace Multipliers. Mission Possible for the Small Church. Inside Out: Everting Ministry Models for the Postmodern Church, and more. Kotan and her co-author Bradford published their third version of the best-seller, Mission Possible: Simple Structure for Missional Effectiveness. Mrs. Kotan spends her time investing in pastors, laity leaders, congregations, and judicatory leaders through equipping, coaching, and creating resources to help them discover and live into their fullest missional potential of effectiveness and fruitfulness to reach people for Jesus Christ. Through her enthusiasm, truth-telling, and passion, she challenges those who encounter her in both their thinking and their doing.

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