Make One New Simple Ministry Focus: Splashing Love on People

Make One New Simple Ministry Focus: Splashing Love on People

Make One New Simple Ministry Focus: Splashing Love on PeopleBy: Kay Kotan
Published on: 27/02/2024

Sometimes we make ministry too difficult. It takes too many meetings to make decisions. Complex systems create bottlenecks for efficiency. Our attempts at good stewardship sometimes turn into overly cautious

Five Things to Help Better Engage With Young Families

Five Things to Help Better Engage With Young Families

Five Things to Help Better Engage With Young FamiliesBy: Kay Kotan
Published on: 13/02/2024

Ever wonder why it seems more and more difficult to connect or stay connected with young families? Have you perhaps heard comments from parents that the offerings the church has

Church LeadershipYouth Families
Five Simple Ways to Connect With Moms Who Feel Unsupported by the Church

Five Simple Ways to Connect With Moms Who Feel Unsupported by the Church

Five Simple Ways to Connect With Moms Who Feel Unsupported by the ChurchBy: Kay Kotan
Published on: 12/02/2024

According to Motherhood Today, 79% of moms feel that their church doesn’t support mothers well, 81% of moms don’t feel that they are able to contribute meaningfully to the world,

Small ChurchFamilies
Why People May Be Interested in God But Not the Church

Why People May Be Interested in God But Not the Church

Why People May Be Interested in God But Not the ChurchBy: Kay Kotan
Published on: 05/02/2024

As the church, we have often come to the foregone conclusion that people are just not interested in being a part of the church any longer. Maybe part of that

Small ChurchDiscipleship