Recognizing the Tremendous Advantages of Team Learning and Its Implementation

Recognizing the Tremendous Advantages of Team Learning and Its Implementation

Recognizing the Tremendous Advantages of Team Learning and Its ImplementationKay Kotan
Published on: 04/06/2024

As church leaders and stewards of congregational assets, it is critical to understand how to recognize the best practices of learning opportunities and the tremendous advantages of how to obtain the best return on this critical and pivotal investment.

Church Leadership
Powerful Insights and Reasons to Make the Case for a Leadership Covenant

Powerful Insights and Reasons to Make the Case for a Leadership Covenant

Powerful Insights and Reasons to Make the Case for a Leadership CovenantKay Kotan
Published on: 21/01/2024

As leaders, we are often task-driven. We are ready to get down to business. There is an agenda before us and a timeline to meet. As leaders, we are expected

Church Leadership
Six Powerful Steps to Easily Hold People Accountable

Six Powerful Steps to Easily Hold People Accountable

Six Powerful Steps to Easily Hold People AccountableKay Kotan
Published on: 27/03/2023

“Simple organizational structure and clear accountability are necessary conditions for the exercise of effective leadership.” John Adair Who doesn’t want to lead more effectively? Yet, leaders often resist being

Church Leadership
The Response-Ability in Accountability

The Response-Ability in Accountability

The Response-Ability in AccountabilityKay Kotan
Published on: 18/10/2021

“Accountability breeds response-ability.” Stephen Covey Covey expands on this concept by explaining, “Look at the word responsibility—“response-ability”—the ability to choose your response. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do

Church LeadershipMinistryMissionSAS (Simplified Accountable Structure)