Closing Window of Opportunity
While we will never return to the norm of pre-pandemic times, we are beginning to find our way towards a new rhythm of life. This is true for most of us personally and for our churches, too. Maybe we have not completely exhaled wondering if there might be another resurgence. But the level of disruption to everyday life seems to be nearly gone. That’s all good news, right? Well, yes . . . and no.
The pandemic caused horrific things to occur – death, sickness, job loss, financial crisis, disruptions in education, delays in medical services, and much more. Yet there is always a silver lining. As the famous quote states, “In every crisis lies great opportunity.” My concern is that too many churches have not or will not take advantage of the opportunity that the pandemic has presented. The pandemic has opened a window of opportunity wide open for the church to relaunch into the community. Has your church taken advantage of this opportunity? I sure hope so because the window will soon slam shut. Sure, a church can always relaunch, but the golden opportunity to respond to the community through meeting the needs created through this pandemic crisis will only occur once. The pandemic was an equalizer – everyone was affected by it in some way or another. No one escaped unscathed. If ever there was a time for the church to step up and out, it has been during these past couple of years by the church responding to the community with an outpouring of love, compassion, new relationships, and a renewed sense of community. The last half of the year is it. Then the window of opportunity slams shut! Honestly, this fall is really the best/last season for a relaunch.
What exactly is a church relaunch? In the Ultimate Relaunch Playbook, located in the bonus section of Being the Church in the Post Pandemic World, a step-by-step process is laid out for churches to follow. In the Ultimate Relaunch Playbook, churches are challenged to simply not go back to the church that was pre-pandemic. Instead, churches are encouraged to re-think what it means to be the church in their community. What are the community’s greatest needs, gaps, problems to be solved, etc.? What congregational gifts does the church have that could address one of those issues identified? How can the congregation bless the community? How will the church re-think their budget to be more community-focused? How will the church launch into the community rather than only making sure all the pre-pandemic congregants return? How can the church have an even greater community impact by teaming with partners in the community? How will the church create an intentional marketing plan to let the neighbors know they are loved and the church is there to serve alongside the community? How is the church deployed into the community to build new relationships without expectation of the community coming to the building?
Don’t let the window of opportunity slam shut on your church! Take advantage of this closing season. Grab a copy of Being the Church in the Post Pandemic World and follow the step-by-step guide found in the bonus section, Ultimate Relaunch Playbook. Once your church has successfully relaunched your church, turn back to Being the Church in the Post Pandemic World to learn about the eight game changers for the post pandemic churches. This book and small group resource will assist leaders explore, assess, discuss, and create a ministry action plan for adopting the eight game changing characteristics for becoming a vital post pandemic church.