Post-Pandemic Flexibility
If we have learned nothing else in the past year and a half, we have learned the need to be flexible! We have learned to change directions at a moment’s notice. We have adapted to new working and learning environments. We shifted to home delivery and curbside pickup for meals, groceries, and other household necessities. Rather than taking our casr to the mechanic’s shop and waiting for it to be worked on, they come get our cars and return it to us when they are finished with the repairs or maintenance. We have learned to Zoom, Google Meet, and a variety of other online and virtual platforms.
As we begin to emerge from the pandemic, we are finished with the requirement for flexibility, right? I am afraid not, friends. It appears flexibility is here to stay. In fact, those leaders that adopt flexibility as their friend will likely fair better in the post-pandemic world. The need for flexibility continues and may even grow. This does not mean we are to be wishy-washy, never making plans, or committing to next steps. Flexibility is about being willing to pivot with a better pathway or when new information is revealed that causes us to shift. We must still discern God’s vision, create a strategic ministry plan, and implement the plan with intentionality. However, we must be flexible in the implementation and perhaps even the plan maybe needing some adaptations. But having no plan is not acceptable either.
The rigidity in which some of our churches have operated has gotten in the way of its effectiveness and vitality. Too often we become mired down in the traditions of the way we have always done things and/or not wanting to offend someone by retiring an ineffective ministry. We have lost our flexibility to fulfill the mission and vision of the church in a variety of methods. There is no one way to do ministry. The only “right” way, is the method that is missionally effective today. It may have not been effective yesterday. It may not be effective tomorrow. But today it is effective and therefore, we will be faithful and try it. But, when it is no longer effective, we are flexible in not being strapped to the ministry, but instead being committed to the mission of making disciples who transform the world. Once we unleash ourselves, it will be amazing to see what God can do when we are missionally focused with flexibility in its implementation. How are you flexing your flexibility muscles?
To assess the flexibility of your church along with seven other game changers needed in this post-pandemic world, check out the book, Being the Church in the Post-Pandemic World. Use the book as a leadership small group study to discern faithful next steps direction for your church as we emerge from this pandemic. If you are interested in taking a deep dive into these eight game changers, contact us about information for your church team to join a 9-month Cohort experience.