There are two processes that I am routinely asked to help churches with - visioning and strategic ministry planning. While the idea of diving deep into these processes is exciting for some (myself included), others would rather have a root canal! But dread or not, every church should have a compelling vision and invest in annual strategic ministry planning.
Why are there differences in people’s mindsets about visioning and strategic ministry planning? I find there are two primary reasons. The first is the difference in people’s personalities and giftedness. The second is some people have never had a good experience or a fruitful outcome in either process. Most often I find that the lack of intentionality and follow through are the biggest culprits in both processes that leave some people less than excited about pursuing either process again.
So why should every church invest in annual strategic ministry planning? What are the benefits? Afterall, strategic planning takes time, energy, commitment, and intentionality of several leaders. The payoff better be worth this type of investment! And, let me assure you, it is when done well!
Robert J. Mckain says this about the value of strategic planning, “Strategic planning will help you fully uncover your available options, set priorities for them, and define the methods to achieve them.” And Alan Lakein adds these wise words for how strategic planning brings a sense of urgency, “Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.”
In case you need more reasons to invest in strategic planning for your church this fall, here are a few more:
Every church’s mission is to make disciples who transform the world. Each church discerns a compelling vision which states the unique approach of how they will fulfill the mission in their unique context in the given season. Without a strategic ministry plan to chart the course for how the vision will become reality, the vision is simply a dream and a prayer. The strategic ministry plan provides a clear pathway forward in the coming year for faithfully living out the mission through the church’s unique vision.
A strategic ministry plan provides focus and clarity. Without a strategic ministry plan, anyone and everyone with a good idea, takes off in dozens of different directions. Without a concentrated focus on God’s preferred future for the church (aka vision or church’s call), the church may be busy doing lots of good things, but not investing strategically in the ministries that align to fulfilling the mission and vision.
A strategic ministry plan aligns the resources with the mission and vision. When a strategic ministry plan is in place, the question of how to use the people’s and the church's resources becomes quite clear. Resources include people’s time, energy, and gifts and the church’s budget, facilities, grounds, and calendar.
A strategic ministry plan creates energy and momentum towards living into the church’s vision. When disciples see how the resources are being strategically and faithfully invested for real impact within the congregation and the community, people grow excited. Who doesn’t want to be a part of something that is making a difference in people’s lives?
When is your leadership board or administrative council planning their annual strategic ministry planning retreat? How are preparations being made today to ensure a great strategic ministry planning retreat experience for the leaders? What resources are needed to adequately prepare the leaders for the process of strategic ministry planning?
If your church leaders are seeking resources for strategic ministry planning, check these out:
Book: Strategy Matters: Your Roadmap for an Effective Ministry Planning Retreat
Webinar: Strategic Ministry Planning Retreats
Combo: Strategic Matters book and the Strategic Ministry Planning Retreats Webinar
Guidebook: Strategic Ministry Planning Guidebook