On Demand Webinars

Connection is Key: Stop Losing People in the Black Hole

This 47-minute webinar provides a Guide to Connecting People Relationally in a Faith Community, Key points include:

  • Before and After the Connection

  • The Great Opportunity

  • Key Principles of Connection

  • Importance of the Connector

  • Getting Started

* CEU Certificate included

Simplifying Ministry in the Small Church

This one-hour webinar covers these key points:

  • What’s a small church and its vital role in the community?

  • Eight Keys for Simple Ministry

  • How to Implement the Impact-Focused Accountable Leadership Cycle

  • Relationships are the Key

* CEU Certificate included

Simplifying Structure in the Small Church

This one-hour webinar covers these key points:

  • What’s a small church and its vital role in the community?

  • Problems with the typical leadership models in the small church

  • How to simplify organizational structure in the small church

  • Four responsibilities areas for simplified, accountable structure

  • Functions and responsibilities of members, team leaders, pastor, and board

  • Typical organizational charts for simplified, accountable structure

  • Tool box vs brief case “trustee” work

  • Small church agenda for simplified, accountable structure

  • Importance and elements of the leadership covenants

  • Three phases of adopting simplified, accountable structure

* CEU Certificate included

Simplifying Leadership in the Small Church

This one-hour webinar covers these key points:

  • What’s a small church and its vital role in the community?

  • Superpower of Relationships

  • Family systems in the small church

  • Handling conflicts

  • Five Challenges of leadership in the small church

  • Four strengths of leadership a small church

  • Pastoring from the porch swing

  • Considerations for less than full-time clergy leadership

  • Minimizing for effective leadership

  • Accountable leadership

* CEU Certificate included

Missional Hubs

One-hour webinar detailing how to launch or take missional hubs to the next level. Key points include:

  • Connecting as Churches

  • Casting a Shared Vision

  • Creating a Shared Ministry

  • Evaluating Effectiveness

* CEU Certificate included

Ten Most Common Things that Stunt Church Growth

During this 40-minute webinar discover the ten most common issues that keep churches from growing and reaching new people. Key points include:

  • Paying attention to these ten items can increase likeness of vitality

  • Top ten are simple, but not easy to overcome

  • Take baby steps

  • Persistence pays off: address one item at a time

* CEU Certificate included

Transitions: New Pastor’s Arrival: An Opportunity for IMPACT! for Laity Leaders

One-hour webinar identifies all the opportunities laity can take advantage of during a pastoral transition. Key points include:

  • Fresh eyes

  • Ownership of mission & vision

  • Communication

  • Know thyself

  • Know the community

  • Relationship building

* CEU Certificate included

Launching Leaders: Taking Leadership Development to New Heights

During this 50-minute webinar you will first discover why a leadership development process is needed and who is responsible for leading it. Next, the six leadership traits will be unpacked, the six spiritual practices of a leader will be named, and how the traits and practices connect will be identified. In addition, a leadership development process will be introduced and why each step in the process is important. Key points include:

  • Why a leadership development process is needed

  • Leadership Traits

  • Spiritual Practices

  • The steps in the leadership development process

  • Putting a process in place to develop a leadership pipeline

* CEU Certificate included

Ten Strategies for Turning First-Time Guests into Returning Guests

This 40-minute webinar will cover ten key strategies for first-time guests to experience great first impressions and turn them into returning guests. Key points include:

  • Much easier to retain a first-time guest than to create a new one

  • Discover the secrets for retention

  • Unlock the keys to these important steps

* CEU Certificate included

Strategic Ministry Planning

This one-hour webinar outlines why strategic ministry planning retreats are important and the various elements that are included in strategic planning. Key points include:

  • The five elements of strategic planning

  • How to plan a strategic ministry planning retreat

  • How to conduct a strategic ministry planning retreat

  • Steps for following up after a strategic ministry planning retreat

* CEU Certificate included

Connecting with your Community Through Bridge Events

In this one-hour webinar, you will learn the ins and outs of a bridge event and how to leverage every step in the planning, implementation, and follow up for the best Kingdom impact possible. Key points include:

  • What is a bridge event?

  • Why would a church plan a bridge event?

  • How does a church host a bridge event?

  • What’s next after the bridge event?

* CEU Certificate included

Effective Cooperative Parishes

This hour-long webinar provides an overview of the process for congregations to use to determine if a cooperative parish is the faithful next step for their church. Key points include:

  • Discernment of Cooperation

  • Cooperating Through Shared Vision

  • Cooperating Through Ministry

  • Cooperating Through Resources

  • Cooperating Through Strategic Alignment

  • Cooperating Through Judicatory Plinth

* CEU Certificate included

Overview of Congregational Visioning

In this hour webinar, each participant will be exposed to a complete overview of a congregational approach to the visioning approach. Key points include:

  • Why Vision?

  • When should a congregation vision?

  • Vision prep work

  • The visioning day

  • Visioning follow up

* CEU Certificate included

Gear Up

This hour-long webinar, learn the ins and outs of church processes and procedures and how they are vital to church health. Key points include:

  • Why processes and systems matter

  • How they work together

  • Nine essential processes every church needs to run optimally

* CEU Certificate included

Small Church Checkup: Assessing Your Church’s Health and Creating a Treatment Plan

In this 80-minute webinar, identify the kind of small church you are using a step-by-step assessment process. Based on which type of “diagnosed” small church type you discover, follow the appropriate and desired treatment plan.

  • Run a checkup on your small church to determine its health

  • Diagnose whether your church is a not yet big small church, vital small community church, or a smaller church

  • Determine the best treatment plan based on the diagnosis

* CEU Certificate included

Inside Out: Everting Ministry Models for the Postmodern Culture

This hour webinar first identifies why mainline churches will need to turn themselves inside out to reach new people in our postmodern culture. Next you will discover the six very distinct ways the church will need to evert its current ministry models and why each of these inside out shifts are needed.

  • Why we need to Evert ourselves and the church

  • Moving Away from Sunday-Centric

  • Moving Away from Building-Centric

  • Moving Away from Pastor-Centric

  • Moving Away from Offering-Plate Dependency

  • Becoming Emotionally & Culturally Competent

  • Moving Towards Christian Social Entrepreneurship

* CEU Certificate included

Ultimate RELaunching Playbook

This practical and essential webinar will walk you through the steps in relaunching your church into your community. During this half-hour webinar, you’ll learn how to take advantage of the opportunity to relaunch, why a church would want to relaunch, and the four reset areas that are important to address in planning and implementing your church’s relaunch.

  • Take advantage of the opportunity to relaunch your church

  • Four RESet areas:





* CEU Certificate included

The Church Life Cycle

Every church leader should be familiar with the life cycle of the church. Annually the council or leadership board should analyze where their church is in the life cycle, so appropriate adjustments can be made. In this 40-minute webinar you’ll discover the various stages of the life cycle from birth to death and how the four elements of vision, relationships, ministries, and structure play into each.

  • What is it

  • Why does it matter

  • The life stages and the four elements of each

  • Indicators of growth and decline

  • When & who should review

* CEU Certificate included

IMPACT!: Reclaiming the Call of Lay Ministry

The empowerment of laity is crucial to the health and vitality of the church. Methodism was founded as a laity movement, Unfortunately, we have lost most of that DNA and understanding of why laity involvement and empowerment was such a critical part of how so many people were reached and impacted. It is time to reclaim this call and start a new movement. In this 46-minute webinar, you’ll discover the eight areas where laity can be empowered and have maximum ministry impact.

  • Why reclaiming the call of lay ministry is important

  • Discover the Eight Impact areas

  • Create synergy with laity and clergy for maximum impact

* CEU Certificate included

Being the Church in the Post Pandemic World: Game Changers for the Post-Pandemic Church

There are eight areas of focus the church will want to assess to be effective in reaching people in the post-pandemic world. These eight areas will be game changers for churches – for those embracing and strengthening these areas, they will grow more effective and vital, but for those who ignore these eight areas, they will grow more and more irrelevant and unsustainable. This 60-minute webinar is a must-view for all church leaders leading in the post-pandemic world.

  • The opportunity the pandemic created

  • The pivot, the weariness, but we mustn’t stop

  • Eight game changers for church leaders to practice to be vital in the post pandemic world

* CEU Certificate included

Accountable Leadership

In today’s culture, leadership is everything so how an organization supports, encourages, and forms leaders is critical. This is why churches are finding the need to shift the leadership culture to an accountable leadership model. This is especially true if a church desires Millennial and Gen Z leaders to serve in leadership roles. In this 70-minute webinar, you’ll discover answers to these critical questions:

  • What is accountable leadership?

  • Why is it important?

  • How is it practiced

  • What does it look like?

  • How can it impact the effectiveness of the congregation and mission?

* CEU Certificate included

Discipleship Pathway

Making disciples who transform the world is the purpose of every church. However, many churches struggle with an intentional pathway for helping people move deeper in their relationships with Chris. They also struggle to align ministries in helpful ways so ministry leaders and disciples can connect discipleship formation to the ministries of the church. In this 50-minute webinar, participants will learn the core essentials to develop and roll out an intentional faith development pathway for their church. The webinar will explore these key areas:

  • Common obstacles of faith formation

  • Essentials elements of intentional faith development

  • Practical steps to create a discipleship pathways

  • Discipleship pathway examples

  • How to roll out the discipleship pathway to your church

* CEU Certificate included

Spiritual Social Entrepreneurship

Church leaders often shy away from entrepreneurship because they are under the impression that entrepreneurship is of the secular world – not to be mixed into the church world. In this 20-minute webinar, participants will learn the biblical and Wesleyan roots of spiritual social entrepreneurship and how it connects to being the church in this postmodern world. Here are the key areas the webinar will explore:

  • What is it?

  • Is it Biblical?

  • But this doesn’t look like the church I know!

  • Why is this important?

  • What are some examples?

* CEU Certificate included

Who is Your Neighbor?

The church often unintentionally becomes disconnected from their neighbors. In this 65-minute webinar, participants will learn very practical, step-by-step methods for how to determine what their neighborhood is, learn key information about their neighbors, and how to become reacquainted with their neighbors. Here are key takeaways from the webinar:

  • Defining your mission field

  • Choosing your demographic niche

  • Comparing preferences of the demographic niche and the congregation

  • Building your neighbor profile

  • Community conversations

  • Create ministries to reach your neighbor

* CEU Certificate included

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