Small Group Studies

Unpacking Your Faith Story

Unpacking Your Faith Story is a comprehensive, four-session small group experience for those who desire to overcome the fear of the very thought of evangelism.  This resource will help your small group journey together to learn to capture your faith story and practice sharing it.  Join others in a safe place to discover, practice and gain confidence in sharing and living out your unique faith story as God calls each of us to do.  Great for all-church studies or groups such as existing small groups, Sunday school classes and evangelism teams. 

The small group curriculum package includes:

  • Facilitator Guide

  • Detailed 60-minute Agenda

  • Participant Handouts

  • Access links to a video for each session

  • Group Questions

Small Group Study packages include:

  • Digital copies of each book, for distribution to members of the small group.

  • A detailed Leader’s Guide in PDF format, which can be used by a group facilitator to walk the group through the session.

  • A PowerPoint slideshow which can be used with each weekly session to assist the leader/facilitator in moving the group through the session.

  • Participant handouts in PDF format, which can be sent to each group member before each weekly meeting.

IMPACT! Reclaiming the Call of Lay Ministry

The ancient church spread rapidly throughout the Mediterranean world and, centuries later, the Methodist Church spread like wildfire on the American frontier, thanks largely to lay Christians who shared the Christian faith in their homes and communities. Over time, our primary church leadership models have emphasized the leadership of the clergy and have devalued the ministry of the laity. IMPACT! offers practical and proven plans to help clergy and laity partner together again to spread the Gospel in a new day and age.

Kay Kotan is a name known and trusted by districts, conferences and local churches throughout the world. As a popular speaker, Kay presents material from IMPACT! at conferences and churches throughout North America. Now your small group, congregation, district or conference can learn together ways to make an impact for Christ. Your small group members will grow in faith while learning how to better partner together, both clergy and laity, to make this type of impact.

Launching Leaders: Taking Leadership Development to New Heights

Why is leadership so important? Competent leadership provides direction, accountability, guidance, and support. Leaders also provide motivation and direction toward a common purpose and goals. Leaders are cheerleaders for productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency. Good leaders are role models and mentors for developing leadership in others. Leaders strengthen the people and organization they are serving. Without leadership there is no forward momentum. The people and organization become stuck at best and oftentimes decline.

Leaders point and lead people towards the organization’s vision. Leaders are equippers. Leaders not only manage change and conflict well, they are sometimes the ones that initiate it because it leads the organization in accomplishing its mission and vision.

This resource pushes the envelope of the expectations of a traditional church leader. After all, we believe we have a crisis in spiritual leadership because we have been, indeed, playing it too safe. It is time to equip, release, and encourage gutsy spiritual leaders! God’s Word calls for leaders and calls leaders.

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